Bulletin: November 2022

Sunday Morning Prayer - join us in interceding for our church, leaders & community at 8:30am.

Monday Night Prayer -the building is open to everyone for prayer at 5:30pm. You can also submit a request on the Prayer Chain to prayerccsf@gmail.com or fill out a prayer request on the bulletin tear-off slip and place it in the tithe box. 

Women’s Bible Study - we meet either Tuesdays at 9am or Thursdays at 6pm here at the church.  This year we are in Exodus - ‘The Divine Deliverence’.  Contact Wendy Yount (261.3883) or Felicia Stout (214.5772) for more information! No childcare provided at this time.   We are not meeting Thanksgiving week but will reconvene the following week!

Wednesday Night Service - Please join us as we are in 2Corinthians starting at 6:30pm.  Worship Night will be on Wednesday, November 30th.

Middle School / High School Youth Group - Friday evenings from 7-9pm at the CCSF Multipurpose  Worship Center. Contact: Sam Mallett 838.8095. 

Men’s Bible Study - Men’s Bible Study meeting in the overflow room Saturday mornings at 7:00.  Breakfast served the 2nd Saturday of every month.

Operation Christmas Child - completed boxes are due now or can be brought until 4pm to the First Evangelical Free Church (2601 W. 69th St.) or to their location Monday, Nov 21st from 10-1pm.


Christmas Services:

· Family Christmas Service - Sunday, December 18th from 10-11:30.  There will be a Christmas Choir and Special Kid’s Music program along with a Christmas message.

· Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th from 4:00-5:00pm

· Christmas Day Service - Sunday, December 25th from 10:00-11:00am.