Bulletin: October 2022

Sunday Morning Prayer - join us in interceding for our church, leaders & community at 8:30am.

Monday Night Prayer -the building is open to everyone for prayer at 5:30pm. You can also submit a request on the Prayer Chain to prayerccsf@gmail.com or fill out one of the prayer request slips on the back table by the tithe box.

Women’s Bible Study - we meet either Tuesdays at 9:00am or Thursdays at 6pm here at the church.  This year we are in Exodus - ‘The Divine Deliverence’.  Contact Wendy Yount or Felicia Stout for more information! No childcare provided at this time.

New Mom’s Group - we meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at the church in the Toddler room.  Any questions, please contact Amanda Mallett

Wednesday Night Service - Please join us  as we are starting the book of 2 Corinthians starting at 6:30pm.

Middle School / High School Youth Group - Friday evenings from 7-9pm at the CCSF Multipurpose  Worship Center. Contact: Sam Mallett

Men’s Bible Study - Men’s Bible Study meeting in the overflow room Saturday mornings at 7:00.  Breakfast served the 2nd Saturday of every month.

Movie Night Monday - we will be watching “A Venture in Faith” Monday (10/10) evening at 7pm.  Please bring a snack to share!  Contact: Jason Weate